Elder Scrolls Online is due for a new update this month for Xbox One and PS4. The update coincides with the release of the Thieve’s Guild dlc  that has fans like me exited, and includes a series of game play fixes, which are obviously always welcome. Thieve’s Guild will bring with it a new map region, a new faction and a series of new quests, in hopes of satiating the need for new content. Rumors also abound relating to a Dark Brotherhood based dlc as well.  Hopefully, one day Tamriel might truly be unlimited.

The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited (4)

Fallout 4 should be seeing it’s new patch this month as well. Clearly, Bethesda has been busy lately. The patch, initially will fix bugs and glitches, and will also allow for dlc compatibility for the 3 new dlc’s scheduled over the next three months and for eventual mod content in console versions of the game. Allegedly the Creation Kit should be available for PC players either at the end of March or in April. The following month will bring mod support to Xbox One and then PS4 the month after the X box.

Fallout 4 (3)